School admission policy

- The first step towards admission of a child involves the registration process. Parents should fill in, themselves or with the help of others, an application form with all the details such as their name, address and personal profile containing their occupation, salary etc.,
- No written tests are required for primary classes. Admission can be confirmed just after an interaction with the senior management of the school.
- Income certificate of the parents to be produced or ration card stating the income and occupation of the parent at the time of this meeting.
- Community certificate need to be produced by the parents obtained from a local revenue authority at this time as well.
Admission of children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group
- Based on income slab, and the socio economic criteria, children would be classified into three categories, by a panel constituted by the management of the school, with due representation from parents.
- Parents who can afford to pay the nominal fees – Category I
- Children who would qualify for the scholarship (30% of the total annual fees) – Category II
- Children who qualify for free education – Category III
- 50% of the seats would be reserved for the children from categories (II and III). Rest of the seats would be filled up with students from –Category I (families who can afford to pay).
- Students from families of parents coming from Dalith community, below poverty line, first generation learners, bonded agricultural laborers, coolies and HIV affected would be given top priority for category II and III.
- No student would be turned back, if they were not able to pay the fees, even if the reservation is filled.
- The school shall ensure that children from weaker sections and disadvantaged groups shall not be segregated from the other children in the classrooms nor shall their classes be held at places and timings different from the classes held for the other children. The school shall ensure that such children admitted are not discriminated from the rest of the children in any manner pertaining to entitlements and facilities such as textbooks, library and information, communication and Technology facilities, extra – curricular and sports.
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